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Health Benefits of Probiotics
.... Who's actually in control?

At the Body Organs' Annual General Meeting, the agenda on Health Benefits of Probiotics ensued in fiery argumentative debate amongst the different body parts. In reality, they were trying to outdo each other to decide who is to be in charge.

It seems like there is to be no consensus over the matter. So a decision was to be taken to determine who's in control. After much deliberation (arguments rather), it was agreed that how each particular organ contributes in terms of significance to the health benefits of the Body will be the winner.

intestinal flora

The Justification by Reason of Significance

The Brain demanded, "I should be because I control and monitor all the body's systems, without me nothing moves."

"Me, of course!," counter the Heart, "I pump blood and circulate oxygen, without me you'd all be dead."

"Hey! excuse me a moment," exclaimed the Stomach, "I process food and provide you the energy."

"Wait! let me be," says the Rectum, "as I'm responsible for waste removal. Without good bacteria and good probiotics residing on my wall, you will suffer infectious diarrhea, constipation, candidiasis and ulcerative colitis"

Every body parts laughed at the Rectum and belittled him. What is this joke about the health benefits of probiotics?

Hurt by the insults, Rectum shuts down his function of detoxification and closed the intestinal colon for waste removal.

The Outcome that is to be!

A few days later, Brain had a terrible headache, Stomach was bloating, and the blood needed a detox. The toxins in the blood caused Heart to skip many beats that seemed detrimental to life.

Eventually the other organs gave in. Now, it seem they fully understood the health benefit of probiotics. Finally, they all agreed Rectum should be the Boss.

The moral of the story? The one who controls digestive balancecolon health and able to inflict abscess to other parts of the Body wins the game. The health benefits of probiotics is no more a joking matter. LOL!

The Rectum may seem insignificant, but the fact it can collaborate with beneficial probiotic and good sources of probiotics and gut flora, was able to bring such great health benefits, that others resign to the fact, he is truly in charge.

YES! I am the Winner

health benefits of probiotics

The health benefits of the probiotics now takes precedence over all the other functions of the bodily organs. Admittedly, the Body functions as a single system with all the organs working in tandem to deliver a strong and healthy Organism. However, without healthy flora probiotic within your intestinal flora and colon, all other organs are adversely affected.

Food science confirms the health benefits of probiotics latest research that active digestive enzymes with probiotics is the prequisite to a healthy life.

Is it any wonder why probiotics is synonymous to "For Health". In fact, probiotics means "For Life".

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